24 December 2008

Let is Snow - and then some more!!!!

My entire back yard is one giant snow pile!!!!! Watch me play in it!

22 December 2008

Christmas snow

Here is my yard right now. I am enjoying the snow!

And this is what I look like when I go in the house!!!

06 December 2008


Well it is has been a long time since the guys have allowed me to update my blog. But the lack of posts are indication of life around here lately - nothing much happened. That is until this week. Boxes came out of the garage and I wanted to get my nose into them but the guys would not let me near them. When they did open them it was nothing but green stuff that didn't smell interesting. When I tried to put my mouth around it to taste I was given a stern 'NO'.

Today they put me through misery - they posed me in many positions to take pictures. I was not having fun but at least I got a few tasty treats out of the deal!!! See below for the outtakes.