28 July 2008

Catching Up

I know it has been a long time since anything was posted here! But it is summer and I have have been a little busy. Rick is on holidays so it is great, the crate is almost a distant memory. I get to explore the yard almost all day - no bird dares to come close now.

I have had a number of adventures since my last posting. I have been to the dog park a few times. As always there is a variety of dogs running about - poodles, pointers, shepherds, mixed breeds . . .

As you can see, I have a great time at the dog park!

06 July 2008

New Pastime

The guys were so nice to move the comfy foot stool from the family room to the living room. They put it right in front of the window. Now I get to watch the world go by my house.

The the frustrating part is the fact that bunnies live across the street. They stroll down the side of the road grazing on the grass - and I can't get them. Life is so unfair at times!

click to see the photo bigger

01 July 2008

Happy Canada Day

Well, the guys have finally have left and I have free access to the computer. I better make this quick as they may be back at any time.

Today is Canada's birthday. I hope I get some cake! Here is my way of celebrating the day!