21 August 2010

A Long Awaited Update - I Have Been Busy!

Where shall I start . . .

Spring on the West Coast was wet and cool.  Everyone knows that I am cool but I don't like to be wet!

 Good news . . . it didn't last forever.  Enjoy some photos of yours truly hangin' in my dog park 'hood.

Awww come on - throw it!

Ha!  It's mine now!

Can't catch me!!!

MMMMM - now what should we do?

So, like moo . . .

Nothing like an after grazing stick!

Sometimes, all that play makes an Irish fella want a little down time.

Do these pillows make my butt look fat?


Dad singing me to sleep.

It worked.
As you may or may not know, the guys had to go over to Scotland for the second time this year.  Last time, I was looked after by my groomer (Bark Avenue - awesome).  This time, I went for a week long pool party at Jennie's house.  Her good friend Wendy looked after us very well.

Time for play . . .

Time for socializing . . .

Time for sharing . . .

Time for relaxing . . .

. . . and me time!

 When we all finally got home, I was making sure that neither crate nor bed was going anywhere for awhile.

Well I was wrong - but gladly so.  Soon we were off to my favourite holiday destination ----- Victoria.  Cousin Alison came with us.  She is fun to have around - and enjoys me waking her up in the morning.

A stroll on the beach

A free snack at a market in James Bay

where I got to try on some jewelery (NOT my choice!!)

Looking out at the harbour
My view (if I turned around of course)
Relaxing on my own bed
Shmoozing with my fans
All clear on the southern front -- captain!
At the BC Parliament Buildings (otherwise known as the BC Legistlature)
And so we head back home

Now to today . . . 

As you can see ------ I needed a hair trim, to say the least:

The scruffy look
I may not have enjoyed it (yeah, I am talking to you!)
But I look damn fine!
OK now we are up to date.  Hopefully it won't be so long between updates from now on.  But that is kind of out of my paws.